

SIGNIFICANT : Journal Of Research And Multidisciplinary (e-ISSN : 2964-9536) is a  journal that is published in Juni and Desember. SIGNIFICANT : Journal Of Research And Multidisciplinary seeks Review articles, Case reports and original contributions from all areas of: Social Science and Humanities; Life Sciences; Health Science; Physical, Chemical Science and Engineering. The Journal invites original Research PapersReview articlesTechnical or Case reports and Short communications that are not published or not being considered for publication. This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.

Current Issue



SIGNIFICANT : Journal Of Research And Multidisciplinary  is a scientific journal in Multidisipliner Sciences published by Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM Azramedia Indonesia with e-ISSN : 2964-9536 (Online) is a quarterly journal that is published in June and December

The editors receive scientific articles in the form of conceptual scripts or unpublished research results or other scientific publications related to Multidisipliner Sciences themes. That covers Social Science and Humanities: Arts and Humanities, Hospitality, Management, Tourism, Education, Law, Psychology, Political Science, Education. Life Sciences : Agricultural, Biological, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Marine Biology. Health Science : Medicine, Nursing and Health, Toxicology, Veterinary, Medicine. Physical, Engineering Chemical, Chemistry, Computer, Energy, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy.

This journal has been indexed by: DRJI, CROSSREF, Dimensions, Road, Google Scholar, and Garuda

This journal has become a CrossRef Member with the number : 10.62668 therefore, all articles published by SIGNIFICANT : Journal Of Research And Multidisciplinarywill have a unique DOI number.


Editor In Chief : Rudi Abdullah (Indonesia)