PUSAT STUDI EKONOMI, PUBLIKASI ILMIAH DAN PENGEMBANGAN SDM AZRAMEDIA INDONESIA merupakan publisher yang dikelola oleh CV. Azramedia Indonesia yang didirikan pada 24 Desember 2021, Maksud dan tujuan perseroan ini adalah a). Berusaha dalam bidang informasi dan telekomunikasi yaitu Penerbitan buku, penerbitan surat kabar, Jurnal dan buletin atau majalah; b). Berusaha dalam Jasa bidang Aktivitas profesional, Ilmiah dan teknis, yaitu : Penelitian dan Pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan sosial, aktivitas konsultan kekayaan intelektual; CV. Azramedia Indonesia terdaftar Kementerian Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia dengan Nomor AHU-0005589-AH.01.14 Tahun 2022.
ECOTECHNOPRENEUR : Journal Economics, Technology And Entrepreneur
ECOTECHNOPRENEUR : Journal Economics, Technology And Entrepreneur is a scientific journal in Economics Technology and Entrepreneur published by the Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM Azramedia Indonesia with e-ISSN : 2828-3805 (Online) is a quarterly journal that is published in March, June, September, and December.
The editors receive scientific articles in the form of conceptual scripts or unpublished research results or other scientific publications related to Economics, Technology and Entrepreneur themes. That covers Economics, Accounting, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Operational Management Business Digital, Hospitality and Enterpreneurship
This journal has been indexed by: DRJI, CROSSREF, Dimensions, Road Google Scholar, and Garuda
This journal has become a CrossRef Member with the number : 10.62668
therefore, all articles published by Ecotechnopreneur : Journal Economics Technology and Entrepreneur will have a unique DOI number.
Editor In Chief : Rudi Abdullah (Indonesia)
AT TARIIZ : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam
AT TARIIZ : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam is a scientific journal in Economics Bussiness Islam published by the Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM Azramedia Indonesia with e-ISSN : 2828-3813 (Online) is a quarterly journal that is published in February, May, August, and November
The editors receive scientific articles in the form of conceptual scripts or unpublished research results or other scientific publications related to Economics and Bussiness Islam themes. That covers Islamic Economics and Finance, Banking, Insurance, Accounting, Business Ethics and Legal Issues, Work Ethics, Islamic Work Ethics, Financial management, Business security and privacy issues, E-Business, International business issues, Consumer behavior, Relationship management, Management and retail marketing, Public relations and retail communication
This journal has been indexed by: DRJI, CROSSREF, Dimensions, Road, Google Scholar, and Garuda
This journal has become a Crossref Member with the number : 10.62668
therefore, all articles published by AT TARIIZ : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam will have a unique DOI number.Editor In Chief : Rudi Abdullah (Indonesia)
Jurnal Multidisipliner Bharasumba
BHARASUMBA : Jurnal Multidisipliner is a scientific journal in Multidisipliner Sciences published by the Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM Azramedia Indonesia with e-ISSN : 2828-4184 (Online) is a quarterly journal that is published in January, April, Juli, and October
The editors receive scientific articles in the form of conceptual scripts or unpublished research results or other scientific publications related to Multidisipliner Sciences themes. That covers Social Science and Humanities: Arts and Humanities, Hospitality, Management, Tourism, Education, Law, Psychology, Political Science, Education. Life Sciences : Agricultural, Biological, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Marine Biology. Health Science: Medicine, Nursing and Health, Toxicology, Veterinary, Medicine. Physical, Engineering Chemical, Chemistry, Computer, Energy, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy.
This journal has been indexed by: DRJI, CROSSREF, Dimensions, Road, Google Scholar, and Garuda
This journal has become a CrossRef Member with the number : 10.62668
therefore, all articles published by Bharasumba : Jurnal Multidisipliner will have a unique DOI number.
Editor In Chief : Rudi Abdullah (Indonesia)
Jurnal Multidisipliner Kapalamada
KAPALAMADA : Jurnal Multidisipliner is a scientific journal in Multidisipliner Sciences published by the Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM Azramedia Indonesia with e-ISSN : 2828-4194 (Online) is a quarterly journal that is published in March, juni, September and December
The editors receive scientific articles in the form of conceptual scripts or unpublished research results or other scientific publications related to Multidisipliner Sciences themes. That covers Social Science and Humanities: Arts and Humanities, Hospitality, Management, Tourism, Education, Law, Psychology, Political Science, Education. Life Sciences : Agricultural, Biological, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Marine Biology. Health Science: Medicine, Nursing and Health, Toxicology, Veterinary, Medicine. Physical, Engineering Chemical, Chemistry, Computer, Energy, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy.
This journal has been indexed by: DRJI, CROSSREF, Dimensions, Road, Google Scholar, and Garuda
This journal has become a CrossRef Member with the number : 10.62668
therefore, all articles published by Kapalamada : Jurnal Multidisipliner will have a unique DOI number.
Editor In Chief : Rudi Abdullah (Indonesia)
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkarya
ABDIMAS BERKARYA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkarya is a scientific journal in Community Services published by Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM Azramedia Indonesia with e-ISSN : 2828-4011 (Online) is a journal that is published in February, April, Juni, August, October and December.
The editors receive scientific articles in the form of conceptual scripts or unpublished research results or other scientific publications related to Community Services themes. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of community services areas as follows:
- Community Services, People, Local Food Security;
- Training, Marketing, Appropriate Technology, Design;
- Community Empowerment, Social Access;
- Student Community Services;
- Education for Sustainable Development.
This journal has been indexed by: DRJI, CROSSREF, Dimensions, Road, Google Scholar, and Garuda
This journal has become a CrossRef Member with the number : 10.62668
therefore, all articles published by ABDIMAS BERKARYA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkarya will have a unique DOI number.
Editor In Chief : Rudi Abdullah (Indonesia)
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Sabangka
SABANGKA ABDIMAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Sabangka is a scientific journal in community services published by Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM Azramedia Indonesia with e-ISSN : 2828-4208 (Online) is a journal that is published in January, Maret, May, July, September and November.
The editors receive scientific articles in the form of conceptual scripts or unpublished research results or other scientific publications related to Community Services themes. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of community services areas as follows:
- Community Services, People, Local Food Security;
- Training, Marketing, Appropriate Technology, Design;
- Community Empowerment, Social Access;
- Student Community Services;
- Education for Sustainable Development.
This journal has become a CrossRef Member with the number :10.62668
therefore, all articles published by SABANGKA ABDIMAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Sabangka will have a unique DOI number.
Editor In Chief : Rudi Abdullah, SE.,MM.,Ak.,CA
JIM : Journal Of International Management
JIM : Journal Of International Management e-ISSN : 2829 - 5358 (Online) is an electronic scientific journal published online twice (May and November) a year by Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM. JIM : Journal Of International Management covered various research approaches, namely: quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method. JIM : Journal Of International Management focuses related on various themes, topics and aspects of Management including (but not limited) to the following topics: Corporate Governance, human resource management, strategic management, production management, operations management, entrepreneurship, e-business, service management and information technology management, finance, marketing, human resources, operation, entrepreneurship, innovation, and business ethics.
JIDE : Journal Of International Development Economics
JIDE : Journal Of International Development Economics e-ISSN : 2829-534X (Online) is an electronic scientific journal published online twice (May and November) a year by Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM. JIDE : Journal Of International Development Economics covered various research approaches, namely: quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method.JIDE : Journal Of International Development Economics focuses related on various themes, topics and aspects of Management including (but not limited) to the following topics: Economic History, Applied Economics, Business and Finance, Regional Development, Public Policy, Industry and Trade, Environmental and Ecological Economics, Islamic Economics, Health Economics, Fiscal Economics, Monetary Economics and Political Economics.
JISEF : Journal Of International Sharia Economics And Financial
JISEF : Journal Of International Sharia Economics and Financial e-ISSN : 2829-5226 (Online) is an electronic scientific journal published online twice (May and November) a year by Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM. JISEF : Journal Of International Sharia Economics and Financial focuses related on various themes, topics and aspects of Management including (but not limited) to the following topics: Sharia Economics : Islamic Banking and Finance, Islamic financial planning, Islamic SMEs and microfinance, Islamic financial technology, Islamic social funds and crowdfunding, Islamic monetary and fiscal policy, Islamic development economics, Islamic economics thought, Islamic international economics, Islamic business modeling, Islamic consumer behavior, Islamic marketing strategy, Islamic investment and portfolio, Islamic international business, Islamic research and technology commercialization, Zakat and waqf, Halal industry, Other related topics. Financial : Public Economics, International Economics, Development Economics, Monetary Economics, Financial Economics, Game Theory, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Operations, Entrepreneurship and Ethics, Public Sector Accounting, Taxation, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting
JIAR : Journal Of International Accounting Research
JIAR : Journal Of International Accounting Research with e-ISSN : 2829-258X (Online) is an electronic scientific journal published online twice (May and November) a year by Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM. JIAR : Journal Of International Accounting Research covered various research approaches, namely: quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method. JIAR : Journal Of International Accounting Research focuses related on various themes, topics and aspects of accounting and investment, including (but not limited) to the following topics: Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Sharia Accounting, Auditing, Forensic Accounting, Behavioral Accounting (Including Ethics and Professionalism), Accounting Education, Taxation, Capital Markets and Investments, Accounting for Banking and Insurance, Accounting for SMEs, Accounting Information Systems, Environmental Accounting, Accounting for Rural Credit Institutions.
JICS : Journal Of International Community Service
JICS : Journal Of International Community Service, with registered number is e-ISSN 2829 - 6354 (Online) is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published online twice (June and December) a year by Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM Azramedia Indonesia. It is in the national level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to community services. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services. JICS : Journal Of International Community Service, particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of community services areas as follows : a) Community Services, People, Local Food Security Nutrition and Public Health; b) Training, Marketing, Appropriate Technology, Design; c) Community Empowerment, Social Access; d). Student Community Services; e). Education for Sustainable Development; f). Border Region, Less Developed Region.
JIMR : Journal Of International Multidisciplinary Research
JIMR : Journal Of International Multidisciplinary Research with e-ISSN : 2829-6362 (Online) is an electronic scientific journal published online twice (June and December) a year by Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM. JIMR : Journal Of International Multidisciplinary Research seeks Review articles, Case reports and original contributions from all areas of: Social Science and Humanities, Life Sciences, Health Science, Physical, Chemical Science and Engineering.
JITAA : Journal Of International Taxation, Accounting And Auditing
JITAA : Journal Of International Taxation Accounting And Auditing is a scientific journal in Economics published by Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM Azramedia Indonesia with e-ISSN : 2829-3670 (Online) is a journal published in June and December.
The editors receive scientific articles in the form of conceptual scripts or unpublished research results or other scientific publications related to Economics themes, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Sector Public Accounting, Sharia Accounting, Forensic Accounting, Behavioral Accounting (Include ethics and professionalism), Banking and Insurance Accounting, Small Medium Enterprises Accounting, Accounting System Information, Environmental Accounting, Rural Credit Institutions Accounting, Tax Accounting, Tax, Auditing
This journal has been indexed by: DRJI, CROSSREF, Dimensions, Road, Google Scholar, and Garuda.
This journal has become a CrossRef Member with the number : 10.62668 ; therefore, all articles published by JITAA : Journal Of International Taxation Accounting And Auditing will have a unique DOI number.
Editor In Chief : Rudi Abdullah (Indonesia)
JIEM : Journal Of International Entrepreneurship And Management
JIEM : Journal Of International Entrepreneurship And Management e-ISSN: 2829 - 6389 (Online) is a scientific journal devoted to the publication of original papers published by Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM Azramedia Indonesia. It is a peer-reviewed and open access journal of economics studies. JIEM : Journal Of International Entrepreneurship And Management accept manuscript in English and Bahasa Indonesia. The aim of this journal is to publish articles dedicated to the latest outstanding in the fields of Entrepreneurship and Management. This journal encompasses entrepreneurial finance, marketing management, operational management, entrepreneurial strategic management, and management information systems, business decisions, processes, and activities within the actual business setting. Theoretical and empirical advances in management and entrepreneurship are evaluated on a regular basis.
SIGNIFICANT : Journal Of Research And Multidisciplinary
SIGNIFICANT : Journal Of Research And Multidisciplinary (e-ISSN : 2964-9536) is a journal that is published in Juni and Desember. SIGNIFICANT : Journal Of Research And Multidisciplinary seeks Review articles, Case reports and original contributions from all areas of: Social Science and Humanities; Life Sciences; Health Science; Physical, Chemical Science and Engineering. The Journal invites original Research Papers, Review articles, Technical or Case reports and Short communications that are not published or not being considered for publication. This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.
DE FACTO : Journal Of International Multidisciplinary Science
DE FACTO : Journal Of International Multidisciplinary Sciences (e-ISSN : 2962-9020) is a journal that is published in Februari and Agustus. PHENOMENON : Multidisciplinary Journal Of Sciences and Research seeks Review articles, Case reports and original contributions from all areas of: Social Science and Humanities; Life Sciences; Health Science; Physical, Chemical Science and Engineering. The Journal invites original Research Papers, Review articles, Technical or Case reports and Short communications that are not published or not being considered for publication. This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.
INCIDENTAL : Journal Of Community Service and Empowerment
INCIDENTAL : Journal Of Community Service and Empowerment, with registered number is e-ISSN 2963-0207 (Online) is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by Pusat Studi Ekonomi, Publikasi Ilmiah dan Pengembangan SDM Azramedia Indonesia. Journal published online twice (Juni and Desember). It is in the national level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to community services. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services. INCIDENTAL : Journal Of Community Service and Empowerment, particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of community services areas as follows : a) Community Services, People, Local Food Security Nutrition and Public Health; b) Training, Marketing, Appropriate Technology, Design; c) Community Empowerment, Social Access; d). Student Community Services; e). Education for Sustainable Development; f). Border Region, Less Developed Region.
HYPOTHESIS : Multidisciplinary Journal Of Social Sciences
HYPOTHESIS : Multidisciplinary Journal Of Social Sciences (e-ISSN : 2963-640X) is a journal that is published in Juni and Desember. HYPOTHESIS : Multidisciplinary Journal Of Social Sciences seeks Review articles, Case reports and original contributions from all areas of: Social Science and Humanities; Life Sciences; Health Science; Physical, Chemical Science and Engineering. The Journal invites original Research Papers, Review articles, Technical or Case reports and Short communications that are not published or not being considered for publication. This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.
PHENOMENON : Multidisciplinary Journal Of Sciences and Research
PHENOMENON : Multidisciplinary Journal Of Sciences and Research (e-ISSN : 2963-6418 Online) is a journal that is published in Februari and Agustus. PHENOMENON : Multidisciplinary Journal Of Sciences and Research seeks Review articles, Case reports and original contributions from all areas of: Social Science and Humanities; Life Sciences; Health Science; Physical, Chemical Science and Engineering. The Journal invites original Research Papers, Review articles, Technical or Case reports and Short communications that are not published or not being considered for publication. This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.
PARADIGM : Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation
PARADIGM : Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation (e-ISSN : 2963-6426 Online) is a journal that is published in Februari and Agustus. PARADIGM : Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation seeks Review articles, Case reports and original contributions from all areas of: Social Science and Humanities; Life Sciences; Health Science; Physical, Chemical Science and Engineering. The Journal invites original Research Papers, Review articles, Technical or Case reports and Short communications that are not published or not being considered for publication. This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.